Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Welcome to Blocks of Life

Welcome to our Blocks of Life blog site - 
A Study in the Use of Blocks in Early Childhood Education!  

We know that children learn through play.  The purpose of this blog is to explore how child initiated play with BLOCKS takes place and what children learn from playing with them.  

We are 5 students in Early Childhood Education currently enrolled at Cañada College, Redwood City, CA taking a course in Early Childhood Curriculum.  The textbook, The Creative Curriculum for Preschool by Diane Trister Dodge, Laura Colker and Cate Heroman, is the main foundation for our studies.

We encourage you, as our readers, to explore with us the importance of Block Play in early childhood education and share with us with your knowledge, experiences and resources so that we may all grow together in building a stronger community for our children.

We look forward to our partnership!
Vicky, Jason, Eden, Kim and Nick