We tend to have our blocks out a lot around here. Whether itslegos, or wooden blocks, or our ABC blocks, we include them in a lot of the activities that we do.
Blocks are kind of a staple in most households, am I right? Boys and girls both like blocks. They’re a lot of fun!
Turns out, kids can learn a lot from these simple toys. But, what exactly?
Childhood 101 goes into some specifics of adding literacy to the block corner, and Picklebums gives us a little insight onwhy block play is so important to kids.
And I’ve collected some wonderful ways to play with blocks, so we can maximize our use of these awesomely, simple toys[aren't the simple toys the best because they can be used the most ways?].
Here are 40 activities for the kids to do with blocks. I’ve included 14 ideas for the simple wooden blocks, 17 activities for legos [also includes duplo or mega blocks], 4 learning activities for the ABC blocks, and I couldn’t leave out ideas to build with your blocks, so there’s 5 building activities for the kids as well.
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